Va was excited. One day in 2000, when fiddling with the radio, he came across a programme in his own language. Although it was in his language, he didn’t understand what they were talking about, but it soothed him to listen. It was the first of several mother-tongue broadcasts by the radio mission FEBC that God worked through to speak to Va.
Now Va’s whole village, a Hmong community in rural Laos, have heard about Jesus through Va’s testimony – one by one, they have turned to Jesus!
When United Bible Societies (UBS) shared this story, we became excited too! God is speaking to people – people all around the world – and he loves to speak to people in their own language. But Va and the church in his village have a difficulty: there are very few Bibles.
“We only have five Hmong Bibles in our church – not nearly enough to go round,” says Va. “We place great importance on being able to read God’s word in our own language, so we are teaching our children to read Hmong, which uses roman script, in the belief that God will one day provide a Bible for every Hmong Christian. This seems far out of our reach now but we know that God never forsakes those who follow him and we keep praying.”
Radios and books are great communicators – and speaking people’s own language is the clearest communicator! Read more of Va’s story on UBS’s blog, and you’ll see how God used the message in the ‘heart’ language to change Va’s life, his family and his community.
Millions of people around the world are still waiting to hear God’s life-transforming message in a way they understand. God is using organisations like FEBC, UBS and Wycliffe Bible Translators to change that. You could be part of it!
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